
Warmly celebrate the tenfold increase of Star Light’s listing

At 13:00 (GMT) on June 2, 2022, Star Light launched PancakeSwap and the increase reached tenfold on the same day, ranking the top of the AVE new currency list!

Star Light holds 250,000+ addresses, passed the comprehensive contract audit of CertiK, a world-renowned auditing agency within 48 hours, participated in 500+ well-known communities around the world, and preached by a million fans in the industry, a new infinite loop of treasure hunting, unlimited snap-up holding, unlimited The value-added mechanism of destroying will boost Star Light thousands or thousands of times.

Meet Star Light, look for the unique contract address of Star Light: 0x13fc78fa46ec3ff1adc52904de0763473a873c84

Feel the miracle of the Xinghai with unlimited opportunities!